Essential Arms+Hands
Essentials-Arms and Hands
The Essentials are the most strategic techniques, chosen from the full range of exercises, that will give the greatest relief to the parts of your body that are painful, strained or have suffered injury. These Essential techniques are designed for a quicker response, freer movement and improved function in a more timely fashion. They don't give you the in-depth knowledge required for you to understand the inner workings of each region and get a more in-depth healing response, but they give an overview for you to deal with problematic situations on the run.
Up Next in Essentials-Arms and Hands
Perfect Posture Techniques
This is the grunt of posture exercises. This video contains all the exercises you need to develop perfect posture within the parameters of your own personal body type. It contains the in depth exercises from all the necessary regions giving you a more overall comprehensive result. No region in th...